History and Mission
Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society, CWCS, is a lead national environment NGO in Cameroon founded in February 1997. The organisation’s head office is in Yaoundé. CWCS is administered by a board of directors with more than 100 registered members comprising environment experts, young conservation professionals and students. It has a signed agreement with the Government of Cameroon represented by Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, MINFOF, to provide technical assistance in the domains of nature conservation and sustainable development. CWCS currently has a permanent staff of 15 personnel comprising biologists, sociologists, accountants and support staff and 3 main field bases in Nkongsamba for Manenguba montane ecosystems, Galim-Tignere for Tchabal Mbabo Adamawa highlands and montane ecosystems and Mouanko, for management of Douala-Edea national park with associated mangrove forest and marine coastal ecosystems.
Our Vision
By 2035, threatened and fragile ecosystems are managed sustainably in safeguard of their ecological integrity and contribute to improve livelihood of surrounding local communities.
Our Mission
Collaborating with Government of Cameroon, technical partners, local communities and other key stakeholders on nature protection within critical ecosystems and promoting sustainable natural resource use to contribute to improve livelihoods of local communities.
Principal thematic and Geographical areas
Protected areas establishment: This is principally focused on conducting multiple resource inventories to identify and map out new protected areas especially within threatened ecosystems. Some of the critical ecosystems identified are the marine coastal ecosystem that includes the mangrove forests in Douala-Edea littoral zone, the extensive Nyong upper valley wetlands in South East and the Trans border Tchambal Mbabo montane forests & Savana massif in north western zone of Cameroon.
Collaborative management: Involving stakeholders in the overall natural resource management process as demonstrated by its Douala-Edea Forest Project that it is critical to wining their support to conservation work.
Ecological monitoring: Comprehensive monitoring is required to provide a sound scientific base of checking trends in resource use over time and likewise to help shape management plans for the protected areas.
Gender issues: Carrying out gender mainstreaming programmes to facilitate the integration of women in the overall decision making process.
Environmental education: CWCS supports the development and implementation of school environmental education programmes at grassroots level including the activities of school nature clubs.
Networking and lobbying: At national level, CWCS is working with several national and international NGOs and donor agencies to build strong networks that could be used to influence national biodiversity conservation and environmental policies. On a regional level, CWCS collaborates with organisations such as Mangrove Action Project (MAP) based in Los Angeles United States of America, to develop a West and Central Africa regional national NGOs network for protection of mangroves and also promoting innovative collaborative approaches to ensure integration of mangrove communities in overall management of natural resources.
Our Team

Yadji Belo
National President since 2004 Emeritus Forestry & Natural Resources Policy Development expert. He presides over board meetings the highest governing body of the organization. He provides strategic orientations in the development of the organization, represents CWCS in major events, and ensures high level lobbying and advocacy on topical issues of interest, diplomatic soldiering, team building and networking. Participates in important management processes that include project approvals, recruitments and other related major decision making activities. Acts at the link between board and the general assembly.
Leonard Usongo
Principal Technical Advisor since 1998 Seasoned Conservation and natural resource management specialist with over 20 years of post-doctoral experience in conservation and sustainable development. Provides strategic leadership in program development considering his many years working for international organizations IUCN, WCS, WWF etc. Responsible for strategic programmatic development of country portfolio and organizational development. Facilitates technical discussions during board and general assembly meetings. Plays lead role in policy development and advocacy in natural resource governance, networking and partnerships development, fundraising and image profiling and oversight technical compliance in program implementation.
National Program Coordinator Since 2000 A renowned mangrove and wetlands management specialist with over 10 year’s postdoctoral experience in West & Central Africa. Responsible for overall coordination of field activities including contributions to strategic organizational development, thematic program development (REDD+, climate change, protected areas, etc.), monitoring and reporting, institutional liaison with government ministries and technical partners, NGOs, private sector and other important stakeholders. Supervises development and implementation of field projects, fundraising, and recruitment of field staff and oversee internal financial and management compliance of field projects.