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The Mount Manenguba Herpeto-ornithological sanctuary was gazetted by the government of Cameroon earlier this year precisely in February 2023 as a protected area. The new protected area covering 4,696ha is unique in the national protected area network of Cameroon because its classification was primarily to protect the endemic and endangered reptile and amphibian populations. It is the first protected area with that conservation status in the entire Central African region.

The government of Cameroon swiftly moved forward with its agenda to protect the globally recognized important conservation area with appointment of pioneer chief game warden (conservator). Following a ministerial decision of 22 June 2023, Mr Epole Tongue Christian Oliver, a senior forestry technician was appointed the first chief game warden of the protected area to pioneer conservation efforts saving the last remaining populations endangered reptile and amphibian populations of Mount Manenguba Herpeto-ornithological sanctuary.

Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society (CWCS) that worked hands in gloves with the ministry of forestry and wildlife to gazette the protected area lauds the swift decision of the government of Cameroon to appoint a chief game warden to oversee management of the protected area. The immediate challenge of the new appointee is to mobilize resources to support field activities for protection and long term management of the protected area.